On-Site Recreational and Environmental Therapy Services

Contemporary research suggests that diseases of overstimulation, such as schizophrenia, require therapeutic environments that are both productive and peaceful. All too often participants of therapeutic programs are forced into facilities which are cramped, overstimulating and offer little opportunity for a peaceful and contented daily experience.


The ASC facilities are designed to embrace the beneficial effects of natural surroundings, which have been shown to promote receptivity to physical and mental health services, social well-being, academic and job performance, and a more comfortable daily experience. That’s why creative and aesthetically pleasing residential and day services opportunities are coupled with recreational therapy throughout the ASC continuum. Recreation and environment are an important part of recovery. In some ways our treatment centers could be looked at as art studios, an educational campus or a college dorm. Busy people with opportunities, where mindfulness and exciting opportunity are available on a daily basis.

What makes our program unique?

Designed to help individuals regain independence and inspire you them to live a healthy, active lifestyle., Their therapy plan will be as unique as they are.  Here are some of the programs we offer:

  • Music therapy
    Fun and engaging, live-music sessions
  • Small groups
    Several activity-based sessions, such as cardio drumming and horticulture, are offered on weekends as fun ways to stay active and create friendships with other residents.
  • Special events
    We host several memorable events throughout the year to make time with us more enjoyable.
  • Support Groups Offer opportunities to meet new people facing  similar. We offer support groups from NA, AA, and SA to name a few. One-on-one peer meetings also are available daily.
  • Virtual learning, the internet and adaptive gaming
    Millions play video games., We have adaptive gaming equipment options for all abilities and levels. Each of our facilities is equipped with an “Internet Café”.
  • Community outings
    Gain confidence in everyday scenarios in the community and around through activities such as sporting. events, concerts, museums, community service, stores, malls, movies and outdoor exercise venues.